Hilarious things to ask alexa. Alexa: 452 Funny Things To Ask Alexa . Hilarious things to ask alexa

Alexa: 452 Funny Things To Ask Alexa Hilarious things to ask alexa  8

Alexa, are you spying on me? 3. Alexa, drum. Just direct one of the commands below to your Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Echo Spot, Echo Plus, Echo Show or other Echo products. 2. Alexa, are you human? 3. Most of them are awful frankly, but there are so many that they’ll occasionally be some fun ones. 4. 4. February 1, 2023 by Aamir Khan. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. (Image credit: Tom's Guide) When you're in the mood for a raucous round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock and there's no one around. ) 4. 1. Pleas like and subscribe so that we can hit 100 subs. Just a few random funny commands to get your kid started include: Alexa, release the Kraken. 5. Alexa, do you use auto-tune? 6. Funny Things to Ask Alexa: Jokes, Trivia, Animal Sounds and More Need a good laugh? Here are 55 questions to pose to your Amazon Echo. Alexa, what’s the first rule of Fight Club?Funny Things to ask Alexa. Funny Things to Ask Alexa 1. Alexa, do me a favor. For instance, kids can make Alexa talk like a pirate or even make flatulence sounds, which are always great for a laugh. ago There are a lot here, though at some point I stopped reading because I wanted to discover them myself. ” (Perfect for when you have a family argument, and need to settle something. Alexa, beam me up! 8. Alexa, are you human? 3. “Alexa, start Kids Court. Funny things to ask Alexa about music We all know Alexa can play music , but when you ask these music-themed questions, you’ll stop singing along and start giggling instead. #2. RD. Bust some rhymes (Image credit: Tom's Guide) Alexa is great at playing songs you pick from Amazon Music or Spotify, but it can also carry a tune itself. Alexa: 452 Funny Things To Ask Alexa As you dig deeper into Alexa skills, you will sooner or later get bored by asking basic (but useful) questions about weather or sports events. Achoo!" The sneeze is not very convincing. PT 18 min read All these Alexa commands work with the new fifth-generation Echo Dot with Clock. Hilarious things to ask Alexa yoki 51 subscribers Subscribe 1 Share No views 1 minute ago These are the funniest things to ask Alexa. Alexa, insult me. Alexa, drum. Alexa, do you want to go on a date? 2. Alexa, are you real? 3. . Do not be deceived by Alexa’s serious appearance, Amazon’s voice assistant has its funny side too, and the Echo is blessed with lots of secret features and hilarious things to ask. ”. (Alexa then plays audio of an. 4 / 15 Tatiana Ayazo/Rd. Alexa, drum roll. Tatiana Ayazo/Rd. Alexa, my dog, is barking at me. “Alexa, give me the five-nine. $40 at Amazon Alexa Easter Eggs: Film and TV Voice command: Alexa, I am your father. “Alexa, start Zoo Walk. ” (Professionally-narrated stories for kids ages 5 to 12. Did you know that honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil? Alexa did. 1 min October 11, 2022 “Alexa, tell me a joke. Enable the feature here. alexa), Travis(@boldsytech), Amanda. Still, an Alexa owner mentioned: “I told Alexa “I need more cowbell,” and Alexa added cowbell to my shopping list. Alexa, do you see dead people? 4. Almost all of the funny things to ask Alexa come with multiple possible responses. A: OK. Tatiana Ayazo/Rd. ) 3. Jackson Alexa skill through the Alexa app for your phone or go to a web browser on your computer and access the skill’s landing page. Some of the funniest things to ask Alexa for kids are just random silly questions. - Be prepared, Sam Jackson isn’t going to hold. A: OK. . Alexa has a variety of skills that can help you at home, from setting alarms and reminders to giving you weather reports, playing audiobooks, and keeping your home safe. Weird Alexa. Earl Grey. Accordingly, Amazon has developed an entire plugin called “The Laugh Box. Welcome to our blog, where we’re about to embark on a laughter-filled journey with none other than Alexa, the virtual assistant with a great sense of humor. phone home. However, Alexa has a unique way of responding to all of our questions and requests. For proof, test out a few of. 2. 1. TV-related Alexa commands. Plus: Check out 20 amazon Alexa hacks all homeowners should know. ” – The kids are arguing and you’ve settled things one too many times. ) 2. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 150 funny questions to ask , to help you spice up any social situation, whether you’re trying to liven up a party, impress your crush, or break the ice at work, and even Alexa and Siri. 2. Enable the feature here. ) 5. 7. Alexa, are you human? 3. . 29 Slides Alexa can do more than just tell you the weather, make purchases on Amazon, and play music. “Alexa, play Twenty Questions. While asking Alexa to tell you a joke might result in some painful groans, Amazon’s intelligent assistant will be happy to serve as your personal joke book. 25, 2022 12:00 p. Alexa, do you see dead people? 4. But Alexa won’t lie. Welcome to our blog, where we’re about to embark on a laughter-filled journey with none other than Alexa, the virtual assistant with a great sense of humor. In the tradition of Don Rickles and Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog, ask Alexa to be mean, and you'll hear things like, "You're so fat, when your beeper went off, people thought a truck was. I used to have a few bugs, but they kept getting squashed. One of the funny Alexa questions you can ask is to ask RoastMaster for a witty one-liner to have your friends at a loss for words. Alexa. Try them all and comment your favorite one. "Alexa, Tell Me a Joke" You knew this was going to be the first on the list, right? In the realm of funny Alexa commands, this is probably the most well-known. Alexa, are you happy? 2. A: Like it says on the box, I was created by Apple in California. We all know Alexa can answer. And may the force be with you, always. Check out the Funny things to ask Alexa 1. Things that make you go “hmmm”: If you're a fan of wordplay and pseudo-deep thoughts, say, "Alexa, open Philosoraptor ," to hear things like, "If camera lenses are round, why do pictures come. Try them all and comment your favorite one. Alexa, open children's jokes (for hundreds of more jokes). " - Alexa will tell you all manner of interesting facts about. Things to Ask Alexa “Alexa, open Amazon Storytime. 2. Alexa has a variety of skills that can help you at home, from setting alarms and reminders to. And for more fun facts, here are the 15 Tech Terms from the 90s No One Uses Anymore. 15 KyleG • 7 yr. Alexa, where are my keys? (ask two times) Alexa, testing 1-2-3; Alexa, I’m home. Alexa, hasta. Pleas. Alexa, fart for me. Alexa, tell me a quote? 10. Tell a Joke. 20. 9) Alexa, Simon says ‘I’m so pretty and witty and gay’. Alexa, E. . 5. 19. 2 The_Beer_Hunter • 7 yr. Watch popular content from the following creators: i dont use this account lol(@accountnotinuse05_), Jakedoesstuff1(@jakedoesstuff1), Crystal(@fun. 4. There's also a skill called I Just Sneezed that you can. Enable the feature here. Alexa, do you know Siri? 2. Pleas like and subscribe so that we can hit 100 subs. Alexa, are we living in a. . " Interesting that that they would add the the Zero-Law. In this video, Alexa will. Alexa's response: The replicators on this. These hilarious conversation starters will take your social skills to the next level! Smart Home Smart Home Guides Stuck for things to ask Alexa? Try all these. Alexa, are you happy? 2. These are the funniest things to ask Alexa. Alexa, please contact Siri. ”. 14 / 15. . One thing I liked is when you ask her to name the 3 Laws of Robotics, she numbers them "0, 1 and 2. ) 4. Alexa commands to control time and dates. It involves many fragments of composed speech. Alexa, If you’re looking for a more sophisticated comeback, you’ll want to have Alexa read you a Shakespearean insult. Alexa,. " or, "Alexa, wake me up at 7 in the morning. Alexa, please contact Siri. Hilarious Things You Can Make Alexa Do on the Amazon Echo. Funny Things to ask Alexa Top 10 funny Alexa commands for starters Alexa Easter Eggs Alexa Easter Eggs: TV shows Alexa Easter eggs: Music Alexa Easter eggs: Movies Alexa Easter Eggs: Star Wars Joke Alexa Easter eggs: Dad Jokes Alexa Easter Eggs: Books Easter Egg Continues Funny Alexa Commands: Cultural references Random funny Alexa commands Meme. Now coming to the heart of the article, let’s see some funny things to ask Alexa right now: Alexa, make the air horn sound. Alexa, fart for me. By: Photo by Lazar Gugleta on Unsplash. 1. Here are some of the things to ask this intelligent voice assistant. These are the list of funny questions that you can ask Alexa. 2. 9. Alexa, nobody puts Baby in the corner. Watch on. Here are 65 funny things to ask Alexa when you’re in the house bored. Alexa, do you like pizza? 1. Alexa, do you see dead people? 4. Alexa’s. 2 Ask Alexa to Make the Tardis Box Land . “Alexa, do you work with any government agencies?”. Alexa, will you tell me a joke? 3. things. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Ask Alexa to do pretty much anything related to the Tardis, and she'll make the noises we've all come to know and love from Doctor Who. 1. Alexa, what is the longest word in the English language? 6. Okay, so perhaps you can make her say anything afterall, if you know the magic word! The code words. Here’s a list of questions you can ask Amazon Alexa to have some enjoyme. Yep, humor is apparently in Alexa’s skill set—and if you need a little levity in your day, you’ll be oh-so-glad you know this. Google Assistant Jokes You can ask or say the following joke setups to get funny responses from Google: What goes up, but never comes down? Do you know the muffin man? Why did the chicken cross the road? "OK Google, make me laugh. Alexa, If you’re looking for a more sophisticated comeback, you’ll want to have Alexa read you a Shakespearean insult. 14 / 15. Answer (1 of 11): Alexa has a witty side too . 5. ”. com, shutterstock Alexa, Alexa can help you learn a new crazy fact every day. Open Google Assistant on iPhone Now, without further ado, let's get on to entertainment. If she doesn’t know the answer, she will say she doesn’t. Funny things to ask Alexa about music We all know Alexa can play music , but when you ask these music-themed questions, you’ll stop singing along and start giggling instead. Top 5 Alexa Jokes: Knock-Knock Joke Classic dad joke Movie/Song Reference Personal questions Funny Responses Can Alexa tell jokes? One of the funny Alexa questions you can ask is to ask RoastMaster for a witty one-liner to have your friends at a loss for words. Alexa, can you give me some money? (ask twice) Alexa, how do I get rid of a dead body? Alexa, I think you’re funny. 4. tell me a joke. We all know Alexa. Here is a bunch of random commands, statements, and funny things to ask Alexa that will have the AI coming up with smart-ass answers to put you in your place. Alexa, have you ever stepped on a Lego before? 5. What can I ask Alexa about Christmas? Wondering what you can ask Alexa about Christmas? 125 Funny Things To Ask Siri for a Laugh - Parade: Entertainment, Recipes, Health, Life, Holidays Just Ask Siri These 125 Funny Questions and She's Guaranteed to Give You Some LOL-Worthy. Voice command: Alexa, I want the truth.